Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's very cold in Pullman, so we put some of Ted's bike socks on Hitcher's paws. It didn't go over very well, but it was entertaining!

We have lots of snow here now and it is currently 6 degrees outside. It's sunny, so it looks pretty through the window, but it's just way too cold. It's not even fun to play in the snow at these temps, but I take Hitch out for little play sessions; when he starts "dancing" I know his feet are getting too cold and we head back in.

I finished my first semester of grad school yesterday, and I am relieved to be done. One of my finals was in the last possible slot of the finals schedule, which could have been good if I used the entire week for prep. I didn't.

It still doesn't seem to me like Christmas is just a few days away. We don't even have a tree! I do hope to get one in the next couple days, though. Just a little bit behind the curve this year.

Seeing as it's vacation time, I'm off to take a nap with my warm pup. After that, a trainer session is in the plans. Fun, fun, but it has to be done.


Wendy said...

Love the socks! Didn't go over well with Hitch or Ted:)? I was out with Maggie earlier and she was doing the same 'dance' with cold paws. Have fun on the trainer-I got my session out of the way a little while ago.

Spokes said...

at least you have an excuse to ride inside---it's too cold! As for me, I am a slave to my trainer because I don't think it would be very responsible to leave the kids home alone at age 4 & 2. I can only imagine the trouble they'd create! Get a good book!

June said...

nice job on finishing your first semester, quite an accomplishment!