Friday, January 23, 2009

I haven't updated my blog for quite some time because I really have had nothing cheery to write about. To put it mildly, it has not been a happy several months. The death of Jimmy was incredibly hard, and simultaneous relationship problems made it only that much more difficult.

Lots of changes for me. Ted decided to end our relationship 3 weeks ago, and moved out today. After 5 years of living together, it is incredibly sad and surreal. Many of his things are already gone, but he'll get the last of them in the next day or so. It seems quieter. One of the worst parts is the splitting of Shamus and Pazza. Who knows what the right thing is to do with them? They adore each other, and it pains me to think of separating them, but I selfishly also want Pazza to still be with Hitcher and me.

Hitcher is doing his part to keep me from staying too "down in the dumps." One particularly blue day, he and I headed out for our afternoon walk. I had realized a nap would be impossible when I caught him standing on my chair drinking my soup, so out we went. Hitch did his standard precursory laps around the house, sporting his spiffy black and red coat, of course. I patiently (well, kind of) waited by the front gate, leash in hand. It was at about that moment that I saw the squirrel, and realized just how close H was to it. Too late. As he violently shook the squirrel, incredibly thrilled with himself, I ran across the yard to capture him. I let out a pathetic "damsel-in-distress" scream, which caused the group of camouflage-wearing, football-playing men to come running from the park across the street. How embarassing. They asked what was wrong and I had to tell them my dog got a squirrel. They were highly unimpressed. It gave me a much-needed laugh for the day once I was sure the only blood on Hitch was from the squirrel.

Other than that, school is progressing. Since I'm in school again, I may as well throw in a few collegiate races.


StevenCX said...

5 years is a long time. Hope it all turns out well in the end. Getting out on the bike helped me through a divorce. Good luck!

Shannon said...

I'm sorry to hear that Allison. It'll be hard, but you'll be tougher for living through it---as if you weren't tough enough already! I'll second Steven's comment as well--the only thing that saved me after my ex-husband left was riding so hard and so long that I just didn't feel anything anymore. Hang in there!

UltraMick said...

Your cycling friends know how strong you are and how you can focus and see yourself through to the other side of any challenge. Pets, bikes, keeping in touch with your teammates, helping your collegiate teammates grow--all will give you new focus and new challenges. You are a whole and complete person with so much to share. Keep on being strong!

June said...

Hey girl,
yeah breakups suck. Keep busy, have some fun and try new things! Take one day at a time. Wish I was there in person for ya.

Anonymous said...

Could Hitcher be the next Marley? I think so!

Spokes said...

Your post made me laugh...not the Ted part but the squirrel story. I can see that entire scenario playing out. Tycho used to bring us not one but several (up to 5 once) baby bunnies and lay them neatly at our back door. Ick!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about you and Ted breaking up. Leslie and I send our best.

Keep your chin up and a stiff upper lip as my dad used to say. ;-)

The squirrel story made us laugh too. Fortunately (for the birds anyway) we keep our cats indoors, otherwise we'd probably be cleaning up feathers all the time!

-Ian (Leslie, Max and Rudy too!)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to read that you are hurting.
I know everyone says it, but please beleive it from an old man that time does a pretty good job of healing, and everything will be better than before after awhile.