Saturday, January 30, 2010

Which car looks faster?

Which F1 car looks faster? Ted and I have opposing opinions. Based on comments on this blog, loser buys the other a drink. So, which car looks faster - Ferrari (red) or McLaren (silver)?


Chris said...

As much as I'm not a fan of auto racing, I do find the F1 cars to be amazing from an engineering standpoint.

Short answer: Ferrari

Long answer (with reasons why):

So, being an engineer, my initial assessment is that the Ferrari looks faster. It looks like they thought about the aerodynamics more based on all of the smooth transitions between surfaces and rounded corners.

The McClaren seems to have sharper edges though it looks like they focused more on weight reduction based on the shape of a lot of parts. While a lighter car will go faster, if you make it lighter at the expense of creating more aerodynamic drag, it's break-even. Of course, this is assuming both cars have the same amount of horsepower available and I'd reckon they do.

Anonymous said...

definitely SILVER!!

Unknown said...

Just based on looks, I’ll go with the McClaren for looking a little more unconventional.

Wendy said...

I say the Ferrari. I'm no engineer like Chris but have to say it looks 'smoother' and more aero than the McClaren.

Frosty said...
