Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Lots is going on. Ted is walking again, and even went for his first outdoor ride today, so he is making lots of progress. He can't always see the improvements himself, but he truly is getting better daily.

Everything must be out of the Pullman house by the end of June, which gives us one week to get everything out and clean. Simultaneously, I am also in the throws of finishing my research, with two more days of panels to go. These are wine tasting panels, and my final panel will coincide with my final day in Pullman. Very apropos.

Ted's family is coming to visit this week, and mine is coming the following week for the 4th of July. Yes, the 4th will include a toy dog that wears diapers, a miniature Schnauzer with some degree of "little dog syndrome," and a hound doped up on Xanax.

I have made the decision to have back surgery, so I will be going under the knife in a few weeks. After years of dealing with back pain, and months of leg pain, it is time to try a surgical approach. It will mark the end of my 2010 cycling season (aside from some possible cyclocross), but then I can begin to work towards 2011.

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