Tuesday, June 01, 2010

I had an MRI done of my back today. It confirmed that a protruding disc is causing my problems. At the L5-S1 level, the disc is protruding and compressing the nerve root, which fits with my symptoms of pain on the left side, and down the left leg. The L4-L5 disc is also protruding, though it is not compressing the nerve; this means that it is probably not causing me any symptoms.

My last terrible flare-up was a year ago when I could not walk to the bathroom (in a tiny house!) without assistance. Though I have not been completely incapacitated since then, my back continuously causes me trouble, often preventing me from doing the things I want to do. So, it has reached the point where it is time to see what options exist.

I am heading to Hood River tomorrow to do a four-day stage race. My only goal is to have fun, as I realistically cannot have any expectations for myself without becoming disappointed. Hopefully the weather cooperates!

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