Ted crashed hard yesterday - his first bad one in about four years. During the sprint finish, someone cut him off, taking out his front wheel in the process. The guy behind Ted went down hard too, riding over Ted's head. He has an awful lot of road rash and bruises, but thankfully nothing is broken. His forehead is pretty badly bruised, which is the thing that concerned me the most, but he has been lucid ever since the crash and has never seemed concussed. He's currently in the shower, scrubbing out his wounds as well as he can (and occasionally screaming in pain). For those of you who are fortunate enough to never have experienced road rash, showering is pretty much hell for the first few days after a crash.
Don't forget to take your rings off when you ride/race. I often forget to take mine off, but I think I will remember from now on. Ted forgot to take his ring off yesterday (he usually does) and his finger proceeded to swell enough that they had to cut it off.
Photos will follow shortly.