Monday, August 14, 2006

Kidney stone?

It looks as if I may have had a kidney stone last night. I had one back in 2000 that was severe, requiring a couple trips to the ER and lots of pain meds; it had blocked my ureter, but I was finally able to pass it.

I woke up sometime before 3 am last night and had a lot of abdominal pain, which spread to my left side, and then around to my back. I was also really queasy, but I think it was mostly just the pain that was making me feel that way. I tossed and turned for a few hours, contemplating a trip to the ER, but eventually fell asleep when the pain had lessened. Called my boss around 4 to tell him I wouldn't be in this morning. Feel okay now, except my lower back is a little sore.

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