Thursday, December 07, 2006

Day 4

The first part of today was spent in the kitchen, fixing sweet and sour pork and a southwestern vegetarian shepherd's pie. Our lunch break found us all outside, as it was an absolutely beautiful day! It had to be in the 60s here today, and was sunny and calm. I was definitely wishing I could take off for an afternoon bike ride, or at least a run, but I'll have to wait until I'm back in the cold, gray NW for that.

Our afternoon session answered a lot of questions I had... and also created a whole bunch of new ones. We talked about the legality of starting/having a business. Licensing, tax issues, insurance, financial planning, business planning, and accounting were all talked about. There are so many things to look into. Everyone in the class seemed a bit daunted with it all, but many of us also found this portion particularly educational since we know nothing about starting a business. Thankfully I did at least take some accounting, marketing, finance, and business classes in college.

I woke up with a sore throat this morning and it has gotten worse as the day has gone on. Hopefully it doesn't become a full-blown cold. Thank goodness tomorrow is the last day of class. While I've enjoyed the course and it has been very worthwhile, it will also be really good to get home. Rumor has it that Pazza has been a tad destructive while I've been gone. Pieces of a Santa Claus ornament have been found all over the apartment in recent days; a pedal from Santa's tricycle was found upstairs. A three inch hole has also been chewed in a box of Christmas presents I ordered. As long as the Christmas tree is still standing when I get home, it's all okay with me.

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