Friday, December 08, 2006

Day 5

I am officially a graduate of the Culinary Business Academy, which is a nice credential to have. Today was spent talking about marketing, followed by our final exam. I won't be looking at any of the material from this week for a few days; I just need to step back from it all for a little while.

After class, I attempted to go into Old Town Albuquerque, which is the oldest part of Albuquerque and has lots of shops. Lots of traffic, coupled with a couple wrong turns, found me back at the hotel. By the time I would have gotten there, most of the stores would have been closing, so my plan is to give it another go tomorrow morning. Hopefully there will be less traffic and I won't get lost. Here's also hoping that I don't push the snooze button too many times - maybe I should put the alarm across the room, just in case!

Ted will be picking me up in Seattle tomorrow evening. Our original plan was to do the cross race there on Sunday, but neither of us feels fit enough to race right now. We haven't exactly been riding much lately. I am definitely looking forward to having the weather and the time to start riding again. I'll be back in the northwest tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like a really informative week for you! as you get over the "brain dead" feeling, i'm sure you'll be bursting with fantastic ideas! very cool!