Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Rollercoaster Day

Today's been a bit of an up and down day. The cool part of the day was when I got a new car. My little Ford Focus was starting to have more and more problems, along with a soon-to-expire warranty, so we (being Mom, Dad, and me) decided to trade it in. They drove up to Pullman today to go to a dealership in Moscow. We began this process last week, so we had a good idea of what we were looking for today. None of us actually expected to drive a new car off the lot today, but that's what happened! I'm now driving a brand new Toyota Rav4 and I love it. I'm going to get a roof rack for it, and then it will be complete. I think it will be a perfect bike race car. Plus, I think it looks cute. Thanks Mom and Dad!

Ted and I were playing fetch with Hitcher in the yard this morning right when Mom and Dad arrived. I heard Ted yell that Hitch had hurt himself, and I discovered that Hitcher had stepped on an old nail. It was sticking out of his paw. Ted pulled it out and I called the vet. They suggested I bring him in, which Ted kindly did. Ted called me later to say that he was going to be put under to have the paw cleaned. Anasthesia always scares me with my pets, so I could barely eat any of my lunch. Was it necessary for them to do it? I don't know. He's home and awake, which is all I really care about. He's super groggy, but just fine. I decided today that I definitely need to get another dog because I need to have two to split my love between. That way, if something happens to one, I will still have another one. Ted says I can get another dog... as long as I'm willing to get another boyfriend also.

We're working on our race also. I keep thinking we're forgetting some crucial element, but hopefully not! The forecast looks decent, so I think it'll be a lot of fun. I'm off to have a cup of tea and sit with my groggy pup.

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